Sunday, February 27, 2022

Reptile Expo at International Centre, February 27, 2022

We went to the reptile expo at International centre as I like to see snakes and lizards and was looking forward to it.

However, I felt extremely disturbed and depressed to see the poor creatures in such small boxes that ...I don't even know what to say!

It's extremely cruel to have these living creatures in such small is so cruel to expose these creatures who are generally shy and avoid noise, light & human beings to be right in the middle...

What drove me into a real grief and anger was the tiny size of the boxes. It was horrible. The boxes were basically the size of lunchboxes! Imagine putting a live snake such as a python in a lunch box... for 10 hours...Those creatures must be going crazy with fear and not knowing what the hell is going on or where the hell they are.

One of the sellers told me that this is just for a day and they go back to larger aquariums at the end of the day. Even one day seems too long for me. 

I am filled with such a dissatisfied surprise at us...human beings, us...Canadians. These buyers and sellers all looked like pretty decent folks. Yet, none of them seemed to find the imprisonment of these creatures in tiny boxes cruel or abhorrent!

I pray to God that this practice will end soon.