Sunday, May 29, 2022

Doors Open Toronto R.C.Harris Water treatment Plant. May 28, 2022


See the sheer size of the water outlet above..a man can stand inside

When I think of the narrow and small water outlets for rain water and drinking water for India's one billion plus population,  I am amazed at the phenomenal stupidity of the Indian engineers and politicians.

It's impossible to find a single person in India's one billion population who is like Harris!

Below : some of the aesthetically appealing items in the Art Deco style buildings of the Harris water treatment plant.

Unless corruption reduces in India ...they will destroy the environment completely ...India will become a desert like Egypt, wiping out all animal and plant life...I know you readers are thinking what's the connection between a visit to the water treatment plant and corruption in India but anyone who knows India and sees the abysmal quality of water supply, sewage management, government projects such as buildings, bridges, railways, etc...those people will understand why anything good I see in Canada, my memories of India's corruption are triggered!