Monday, October 23, 2017

Christian Morrisseau and Norval Morrisseau paintings on display at Distillary district of Toronto in October 2017

Below are paintings (for sale) by father and son, indigenous artists of  Canada.They are Norval Morrisseau and his son Christian Morrisseau .
I am blogging this for  my friends in India. My friends, can enjoy this art style, so unique to Canada and not accessible to people in India. We have different art styles in India, unique to specific regions such as Worli art, Madhubani paintings, Kalighat art, Gond art, Pattachitra, etc. This Canadian indigenous style reminds me of Madhubani art from India  to some extent.

Thunderbird and serpent, painted in 2011 by C.M

 Above is titled 'Not today' by CM, painted in 2011

Spiritual beings entering the Astral plane by Christian Morrisseau is the name of this painting above, painted in 2011

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