Monday, May 11, 2020

Random photos taken on walks during Covid lockdown

Above: The last restaurant I ate in ...March 2020, to celebrate my wedding anniversary. Waiting for restaurants to reopen!

A lovely friend and neighbour did this watercolor last week....she sat opposite my house and did this in a few hours! She's been learning and doing so much during this Covid lockdown...Unlike me. Why am I such a lazy bum?

Abandoned chairs on Pape avenue maybe?

On Pape avenue, north of Danforth.

On a wall on Danforth I think

Below:I got tired of walking the same old trails of Toronto and we drove to Markham and walked this trail on a beautiful sunny Sunday.

The frogs here were so loud! I took a video of one whose throat  swelled into a bubble when he croaked and subsided when he stopped. Covid-time seemed to be mating time for them!
 Below...walk in East Toronto trail on a pleasant evening...

 These dandelions are so pretty but I cannot seem to capture their  beauty in photos...the shiny green grass and the bright yellow were so lovely! Planning to try making dandelion tea one of these days. Wonder if the dandelion in the backyard is okay to make tea?


Made buns with potato palya stuffing and they came out quite well!

Above...a perfect Covid lockdown day for me. Lunch when watching a great movie on netflix. Chicken saaru with rice, mosaranna with the lovely kimchi I made, grapefruit which I love (now I prefer fruit with a bit of tart and bitterness to them than 100%, now, I eat grapefruit mostly) and beer!

Dandelions for Shiva, Ganapathi and Nandi...did this...more to pass time than religious fervour

Below: Walk at Aga Khan museum and it's garden with rows of lovely tulips.

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