Monday, March 29, 2021

Shows I am enjoying now(Early 2021)

 Dr.Ken. a comedy

Private Eyes :two private investigators in Toronto

The Equalizer: Queen Latifa's the chief protagonist

Parks and Recreation

Due to the  pall spread over my life by Covid since last year, I now want only feel-good shows such as the ones above. I can't bear to watch the shows I usually watched in the past..crime shows  which filled  me with tension, excitement and an adrenaline rush. I enjoyed watching dystopian shows too but now I can't even bear to see the few seconds they come on while browsing. I really liked a dark crime show set in Boston called City on the hill with Kevin Bacon last year. Now the second season is out and I am not in a mood for that gloomy show, though I was looking forward to it!

There are a few shows which I watch these days... which are mediocre by my standards...but they seem to soothe me...they have some quality in them, which seems to calm my mind. I can watch these shows for even more than hour without feeling bored, irritable or restless... and without really seeing them!

 Covid has made my life so empty and I seem to have lost the desire to fill up that space with activities... these days even food seems to taste boring...whatever I eat. I have lost the enjoyment of food and simply eat because I am hungry. I know I am not depressed. I know I am not anxious. I know I am not angry. I  just feel ???? empty...listless...dull...

I hope I get over this ...or I hope I get more shows to suit my current mood!

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