Thursday, November 11, 2021

The Lights of London...random photos around Covent garden, November 11, 2021


Yippee! I am in London for a week ...on vacation...with husband.

I love London and if there is rebirth, I want to be born in London or get a chance to spend my life there! I love the gentleness, friendliness and warmth of people, the kindness, the honesty, the beauty of London and it's people.

Wandered around Bloombury (staying at Bedford Hotel...lovely hotel). Since half the day was gone by the time we came from airport and checked in, decided to wander locally and take in the sights.

Lunch i..e a beef hot dog.(the beef tasted great...much better than what I had on the streets of Toronto. However it did not have all the things which go with a hot dog in Canadian streets..pickle, relish, etc. It was just been on a bun with packets of tomato ketchup, mustard and mayonnaise) at Shack Meister with fresh lemon juice

Wandered some more.

Then coffee at Costa 

Wandered some more. Sun sets early (Nov 11th...fall winter) and it was quite dark as we wandered. I was disoriented to time due to the darkness and was unsure if some of the places I passed by were open...they were open 

Hot toddy at Covent garden (We loved it!)

Wandered some more. 

Returned to our hotel and had complimentary dinner. For the first time I had rare beef fillet with watercress and tarragon cream and loved it!  (I had a alternate choice of rock oysters, bloody mary, chervil but did not have the courage to try oysters which I have never tried before and did not want to take any risks

I encourage all of you who read this to travel as soon as you can and not postpone. Your body is aging daily and the older you get, travelling really takes a toll on you despite the enjoyment and excitement. Feet hurt. Back hurts. You tire more quickly. The adrenaline keeps you going which is good but it's great to travel when you are not yet arthritic!

The story of many people's life is also my story...when you are young enough to enjoy travels, I did not have money....Now I have  enough money to travel but body's not in the best of shapes!

My relative's story...she had plenty of time and enough youthful fitness to travel a few years ago (she had finished her education and was unemployed for over 3 years...a big struggle in her life at the time). Now she is earning a 6 figure salary in USA, still is pretty youthful, but has a young baby and little time to travel!

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