Wednesday, May 25, 2011

TIP OF THE DAY:Cheapest used books available in Toronto, Ontario

Cheapest used books available in Toronto, Ontario at:

Book ends
Toronto Reference Library
one block north of Bloor on Yonge street and

Book Ends
North York Central Library
on Yonge street, south of Sheppard.

Check for timings at the TPL website or call.

The books at book ends are in great condition, and you can get hard bound books for a dollar each! The North York library has a greater selection than the downtown reference least now(May 2011)
After I discovered these two places, I have cut down buying at the used book stores of Toronto.

The next best place ( by best I mean least expensive) to buy used books are the goodwill stores in Toronto. I prefer the one on Bloor between Sherbourne and Jarvis as the books are arranged in order(author's name's alphabetical order) and it is easy to search, if you know what you want. It is 50% off, at least one day a week(now it is on Fridays) and the books are still cheaper then.

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