Thursday, August 25, 2011

Different responses to the statement, “Guess what ? We bought a cat”

Different responses to the statement, “Guess what ? We bought a cat”
My fellow country man from India: “Why? Do you have rats in your house ?”
My colleague at work: “Hey. That’s great. What kind is it? Where did you get it?”
My fellow country woman(FCW) from Canada: “Why?”
Another FCW: “Why? You could have got a dog instead. Cats are not faithful”
Another FCM: “Why? Instead you could have had a child. Animals are not same as having children.”
Another Canadian: “Now you are a full Canadian”.
My sister: “That’s great! Is it a male or a female? What will you name it? Send me it’s photo”.
Another relative: “Don’t you have anything better to do?”
Another relative:” Don’t you have enough work? Why you want to get more trouble and work?”
Another relative: “How will you manage?”
Another FCW: “That’s great! I too have a cat.”
Another FCM: “Won’t it bite and scratch? How will you manage it when you travel?”
My dad:"Very good. You should have some pet at home."

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