Thursday, March 12, 2015

Why dont people "like" on Facebook?

After writing why people 'like' on Facebook, I realized there are many weird reasons why people don't click on 'like'...even when they like!

1) Most of the time people don't click on  like(at least the ones I know) when they don't feel very excited by the post.
2)When they like the post but not the person posting it!
3.)When they are angry with the person who is posting it and want to 'take him/her down a notch'
4.)When the person who's posting does not  click on like for their posting! (tit for tat)
5)A sudden attack of jealousy...Hey why I am I liking others post always and no one likes mine? I am going to stop liking others' posts until they like mine!
6)You don't want your friend to get annoyed by liking his rival's posts!
7)You are taking a break from FB and it appears to others as if you have stopped liking...but you are actually not checking your FB
8)For reasons unknown to you, the posts don't show up on your FB. (but the person posting may get hurt, without realizing the posts are not visible to you...this can lead to a lot of 'real' hurt feelings, due to this half-real, unreal network of Facebook!
9) You were liking some posts at first but now you have reached saturation point. or you dont like the stuff anymore.
10)Damn! I wish I could think of a 10th reason, simply to round off this piece!

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