Monday, December 18, 2017


Drove to Brockville in Ontario, September 2017 when I received tickets to go on a 1000 island boat cruise from my cousin. Below are photos of downtown Brockville buildings. Being a Saturday, not many people on the streets. 
I loved the farmer's market going on a small strip of the road near the harbour, especially the flowers arranged in real pumpkins and cornucopias.
Below that are a few of the several photos of the islands we saw on the cruise. I also photographed the cottages on the islands we passed. 
I had mixed emotions about the cottages on the islands. One part of me envied the owners of those cottages. I thought they must have an amazing life style...driving up here , cottage-life on weekends filled with swimming, boating, fishing, etc and  away from the noise of Toronto, amid serene and beautiful nature of the St.Lawrence River.
On the other hand, I also thought, (they can enjoy only for two or three months a year; winter must be unbearable the rest of the year. Also once u own a cottage, the taxes, the cost of maintenance and actual hard work of maintaining it, makes cottage owning tedious  than  pleasurable. Also, owning a cottage may make me come here again and again, instead of travelling to new places that I love. 

 I love fall foliage and cannot resist photographing them!

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