Thursday, December 28, 2017


 To get the photo straight, I have to stand in the middle of the street and because there's either moving traffic or parked cars I can't do that. Therefore most of these photos are at an angle

This alley called Clarion Alley had great graffiti and also a shop selling the art work; But man, does it smell of piss! I am sure I stepped on both dried and wet piss. There was a guy standing, facing the wall and I didn't guess that he was pissing. As I was clicking photos and walking, I heard him call out, "Thanks for waiting". I did not realize that he was talking to me. I continued walking and he called out, louder this time, "Thanks for waiting"; I immediately stopped and looked away until he called out 'thanks'.   

What else about this alley? Oh. I did smell weed and I believe three guys squatting on the ground were smoking it. 
I also saw a lot of touristy looking folks and locals (I can't explain why some looked like locals to me...but they did) taking photos of the murals. 
A guy was dancing quite beautifully to some rap music...his steps were great.
Except for the piss smell, this was a nice alley to visit. But would it be a 'genuine' alley, without the smell of piss? No ! Then it would  merely be an artsy street for uptown folks!
Clarion alley is between Mission and Valencia streets and 17th & 18th streets. All the photos here are NOT from this alley. I took photos as I walked in nearby streets.

Lots of folks visit to see this art work. I think we need similar Graffiti  in Toronto to raise awareness about increasing gentrification and social issues.

This above is simply name of an eatery.

There was some more wall art opposite the wall facing the above mural. My sister absolutely forbade me to photograph it! There was a park, with children playing in the space between these two walls...the wall with the mural above and the wall which my sis didn't let me photograph. Apparently, I should NEVER take any photos if children are around. I tried explaining that there is no way I would photograph kids as I am focussing on the wall behind the park...but no dice ! 

 Above is not graffiti but a book shop I visited today in san francisco.

 Above is not graffiti but leaves of a Ginko tree, growing in San Fransisco. . I liked the yellow-green combo colors.

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