Sunday, January 7, 2018

Mini Colored Corn

Took a friend from India to  Niagara Falls and Niagara on the Lake last Sunday(sept 18th 2016) . Bought 3 bunches (of 3 per bunch) lovely looking Mini Coloured Corn from a ?grocery store in Niagara on the Lake. Here are a few arrangements I made of them.
There are also a few photos of normal sized coloured corn. I have not seen coloured corn in India. I saw them for the first time in Canada.
Often people don't eat the coloured corn but hang tham in the kitchen or dining area around Thanksgiving time as Harvest decorations. Som families in Canada hang coloured corn, plaited garlic, chillis, etc in the kitchen and dining area all year round as decorations. 

 Above is normal size corn...NOT mini corn

 This photo above and below is normal size corn hanging as decor in a shop

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