Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Photo-therapy for addiction

February 26th 2018... a perfect day in Toronto. The sun was shining. It wasn't cold. No Arctic winds to chill the pedestrians strolling downtown. 
My morning clients cancelled. Deciding that  wasting this  precious day indoors, doing paperwork  is a heinous crime, 
 I strolled  to the bookshop.

I had a lovely time feeling the sun on my skin and reading the interesting posters plastered on the walls of Yonge street. I had a great time browsing the books at Indigo.  And here are photos of the books I would have liked to buy...but did NOT!

I have hoarded a ton of books at home, more than half of which are 'unread'. An incorrigible hoarder, running out of space,  it's is a   struggle, to not buy books and an even bigger struggle to not lug home, the free books. 

This is the first time I am trying this 'therapy', invented by 'ME'. ..taking  photos of books I would like to read and uploading them here. If the temptation to buy is irresistible, I may walk down again and buy the book I want. For now,  photographing 'the-books-I want-to-buy' seems to have 'cooled down the ardor to buy them'.
 I hope this therapy works for me. I would be cured of this book-buying-addiction with this zero-cost therapy! 
Who knows. I may start photographing the souvenirs I am tempted to buy when I travel and  save  space  and  money. I could also photograph the seashells I am tempted to pick, unusual stones, nests, sea-bricks, in fact photograph everything I think of lugging back to my home. My very own pin-interest.

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