Friday, April 6, 2018

Spring 2018

Today, April 6th . 2018, 6.11am: I heard the birds singing, outside before sunrise, first day I heard birds singing this year.  It FELT like  first day of spring for ME this year...
Growing up in Bangalore, I got a certain feeling on a single  morning (it would be in February, March or April)  every year...a certain spring smell in the air, the first time I smell it in a year and it feels like spring. It's a wonderful smell, a mix of flowers and earth from outside the house, from the garden. If I remember right, I think, to my imagination, I get that lovely spring aroma, only once each year....lasting for a few precious minutes. It's a Gestalt of experiencing so many things simultaneously. I can't describe the perfection of the moment but I can list the parts of the Gestalt: the smell of earth & flowers; the coolness of the breeze, the dawn's gold-red rays  coming through the windows, the sound of birds chirping outside in the guava tree, the relief-joy-peace of 'no-more-exams-it's-summer-holidays-now', the 'not-cold; not-hot, but just right' temperature under the bed-sheets as I lie in bed, the fantasies about how to spend the day as I lie there.
In spring-time Toronto, I  don't get that smell of earth and flowers as I don't think that smell 'happens'; even if it does, my  windows are shut for 6 months of the year here. But it was the sound of birds ..the first time I heard this year along with the calmness and 'no worries' blank mind as I woke this morning,  which made me think of today as the first day of spring. 
If only I could capture this feeling and feel it every morning... capture that spring aroma, wafting on the cool early morning breeze through the window, in my home in Bangalore to enjoy it at will!

PS: I think spring would have been earlier than April 6th...if I had slept in the bedroom facing the street, before April 6th. Let me explain. I sleep in different bedrooms for different reasons..when it feels hot I choose one, when  cold, another. The bedroom at the back, faces the garden and trees while the bedroom in the front faces the street and more to the point, there are electric lamp-posts and wires on which  chirping birds sit. I do not hear the birds almost till May when I sleep in the back bedroom but the birds  are audible in the front bedroom almost from late March. One would expect birds to prefer trees which are 'nature' than lampposts and electric wires which are 'artificial' but it seems otherwise. 

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