Wednesday, June 20, 2018

The cat who came back home

I heard this true story from my neighbour.
M  is a cat lover who has had cats all her life. Her dad, however was not one who cared much for animals as pets. 
M, in her teen years, had a cat, Gumby, a tough outdoor cat, with dog-eared-ears... from his street-fights & adventures I presume.
Gumby went missing once for three days....but came back. M was worried until he returned, searched the neighbourhood and so on.
A few months later, Gumby went missing again. Again M was perturbed, waited for him to come back, searched the neighbourhood and was delighted when he turned up again.

The next time Gumby went missing was for three weeks! M slowly lost her initial, "Oh. he's going to come back. He always comes back' calmness and searched the neighbourhood. M cried, searched, cried again and finally gave up, believing Gumby to be dead.
One day, M's dad called, "Gumby's back'. M rushed home joyfully and was greeted by the sight of Gumby, thin with matted dirty fur, but Gumby never-the-less!  Delighted, M, with tears streaming down, bathed and fed Gumby  wondering where the hell he had been for so long? And how did he survive?

Then her dad confessed. He said he never had liked the cat and three weeks ago, he had put Gumby in the back of his truck, driven over 30 miles away to the next town and let him out there. Today, when he stepped out, something grabbed his leg and looking down saw Gumby!
M was furious and gave her dad a piece of her mind...for months. Since, Gumby's return, M's dad and her Gumby have become best buddies. 

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