Saturday, June 16, 2018

Flowers in my garden and nearby...the dates they first appeared

I am putting the dates when I first saw the flowers in my garden in this article. 
In warm countries one can see an entire garden of flowers at one time. Here in my garden, the plants  have blooms at different times. These blooms last for a few days and then disappear until next year. I never seem to have a garden with all blooms at the same time.  At any time, during summer there is  green in 90% of the garden with  some colourful flowers in different parts of the garden at different times. Never 100% color at the same time!

Above a delicate transparent mushroom in garden(June 23 2018)
Below, mulberries from mulberry tree in garden(June 23 2018)

Above is unripe and below is ripe mulberry (June 23 2018)

Below is a purple flower first blooms seem to have appeared on June 26th 

Above and below...roses from my backyard!(June 2018)
Below is a photo taken two days earlier...lesser blooms. At the back is the early morning sunlight

Below is some wild flowers I think....but growing in my backyard!(June 2018)

Below are purple  flowers from front of my home(May-June 2018. By mid June, the flowers have disappeared)

Rain drops on this lovely purple beauty!

Above is a lovely flowering bush from my backyard.(May 2018) By mid June, the bush is bare of flowers...only leaves and brown dead flowers.

Above is a dark colored tulips from to garage(May 2018) By mid June---no more tulips

 above is a flower whose name I dont know..bloomed at end of May and was there till June. I love this flower. My neighbour gave me the plants which I planted in my backyard. But I dont believe this photo is of my garden's. Mine did not have this many flowers and so close together!
 Above -Oleander which bloomed after many barren years at home(potted plant) May 2018

One evening,  walked on a  path behind my's a woody ravine with wild life and wild flowers.  I spotted this, 'bleeding heart' plant, which seems to have escaped from someone's garden into the wild.  Could not resist taking many photos of this unique flower.

Above purple flowers taken on June 29th and below hydrangea taken on June 29th 2018.

 These hydrangea are greenish when they are 'young';  turn white with time and then dried and brown when dead

The hydrangea flowers were bigger about 10 years ago. Now the flowers have become smaller. Should I put more manure to improve the size of the flowers?

Below is the yellow flowers growing wild in my garden...taken on September 3rd 2018, October 10th and it's still blooming!

 Above is a butterfly and below is an insect whose name I don't know...both in my garden on september 17th 2018
Below are flowers, I discovered blooming in Fall! The four photos below are of a wild flower which grows in the parks and ravines of Toronto. I dont know it's name but I love it! The two pots are about two inches long, made by a Rajasthani potter and I bought it in Chitrakala Parishad of Bangalore during one of the art melas. I love these cuties!

Googled for button shaped yellow flower and found that this is called the common Tansy  or Tanacetum vulgare. Apparently this cute aromatic flower is an unwanted weed which grows aggressively and once it has spread, difficult to get rid off. I feel sad about this. I have dried some flowers and hoped to grown it in a pot at home. Now wondering if I should go ahead and plant the seeds next spring or destroy the seeds as it's a weed that  spreads aggressively. 

Below is a flower which blooms ONLY in fall and winter...grows in my backyard. I like this tiny closed petal flowers, hanging upside downish...should find it's name

I spent over one hour trying to get this plant's name on google and failed. I wish there was a way such that I upload this flower's photo on google and google finds the name for me!

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