Monday, July 2, 2018

Pumpkin leaves and fruits are edible!

I took these photos at the  Mountain View farmers market in California yesterday, July 1st 2018.

I  knew people roasted  pumpkin-seeds and ate them.
 And of course, everyone knows People eat pumpkins.
Here, I find that  leaves and flowers are not spared either!

This reminds me of a Chinese friend's description of  his people..'we eat anything which walks, swims or flies'. 

 Saw these fancy shaped, lovely colored squashes at the farmers market. They are quite small and fit in your palm
 They are called Patty Pan squash. I love the color of the ones below!

Eggplant  bigger than don't lie!

I have not seen  beetroots this light color like these  below

Below are cauliflowers in three colours. 
White, which I have seen in India. 
Purple which I discovered after coming to Canada. 
And today, for the first time, yellow cauliflowers!

Above are large tomatoes, with a relatively rare color..a maroon-green mix...reminded me of a low quality ruby found in Indian mines. Below are a mix of raw and ripe small tomatoes. 

I wish I had photographed the 'rainbow' chards which I saw for the first time. Hope I get a chance to do some sometime soon.

Above: sunflowers, a visual delight
Below: Amaranth, a visual and edible delight!

I know green bell peppers....seen them in India
Then I discovered red, orange and yellow bell Canada.
Today, I saw these yellow bell peppers, but a different shade of yellow than what I have seen before. 
 A delightful burst of 'orbs-of-sunshine-in-a-basket'. 
Plus,  you don't need shades to enjoy these!

I enjoyed my shopping...the ambience... it seemed both busy and slow...people strolling around in their hats... filling purchases in their recycled bags... some like me taking photos... none of them bargaining! 
I did not enjoy the hot sun and the terrible heat of course.
It was  great to see farmers making money. The farmers in most  Indian villages make next to nothing and that's both depressing and infuriating!
I also saw an almost black-color honey...  never seen this color before. It was buck-wheat honey and the color really piqued my interest. Dint buy it of would get thrown out at the airport security next week as I go back home.

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