Sunday, July 1, 2018

The airport guys threw out my toothpaste and Haldiram Jamoon tin. Damn!

Left to SA, CA, USA .. visiting family...

There was absolutely no need to pack toothpaste as we were staying with family...why was husband so picky and want his  Pronamel when we could do with whatever toothpaste in brother's home..for a week...It's a mystery.

 Why did I take tinned Jamoons from Canada to USA when you can get all things Indian here...even the seasonal Nugge Soppu which is impossible to get in Canada! 

The guy at airport security threw the toothpaste and the Jamoon tin out and that is a loss of over 10$ for me!

The Jamoon tin went through on my last flight to the US ...thanks to a security guy who knew Jamoons and knew for sure, there was no  danger lurking in the sugar syrup the Jamoons were floating in. 

I wonder what they do with the goodies the confiscated goodies at the airport? I would love to take all that stuff home! It may cut down my grocery bill to zip, zilch and nothing! 

I hope someone eats my confisicated Jamoons and they dint simply get thrown out.  

....Did the guard who confiscated the Jamoons take the tin home  for desert? I hope he did. I hate waste.

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