Monday, February 18, 2019

A walk among the tombstones. (Actually, a drive through the cemetery...)

Today, February 18, 2019 was a cold but sunny and a clear blue sky day...too good to waste sitting at's Monday, but  a holiday...Family day. 

For ages, we have been meaning to  photograph tombstones in winter as they  look beautiful in the snow.  Ergo, we drove to the Mount Pleasant cemetery at noon and had a good time  photographing. Met a few walkers, dog-walkers and joggers. (I cannot imagine how these joggers can go around jogging on slippery unsalted roads in minus 14 degrees celsius weather!)We looked in vain for a coyote my husband had seen here just yesterday. 

Snow covered cemeteries always remind me of the first chapter of the Dickens classic, Great expectations. I had imagined my photos to be  sombre, bleak and of the black & white kind. Instead I kept photographing the colourful flowers and bright red sashes on the floral arrangements in the cemetery. So instead of the bleak somber look I was going for, this below is what I got.

There were taps all over this cemetery. I wonder why? To water the flowers and plants folks leave in front of their loved ones' tombs?

 Not sure if this  above is a sculpture or a cycle stand.

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