Sunday, March 24, 2019

Beaver cut tree in Beechwood Drive entry to Donlands ravine

Yesterday, Saturday, March 23, 2019, we took our first walk this year at the area behind Ontario Science Centre and later at the Don Valley ravines from Beechwood Drive (where the police dogs training spot is)

Saw that the streams flowing into the Don river were still frozen.

Trees still bare of leaves.

and also a tree cut down by  beavers!

I now understand why some trees have a iron mesh work round them about 3 feet high, on the ground.

Observe the teeth marks on the's definitely not  the marks of any man-made tool.


Spotted this march 23, 2019...first flowers this year in the garden.
There may be more flowers but not dared to venture out into the ice-covered garden at back

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