Monday, July 12, 2021

Camping at Killbear Provincial Park, July 10-11, 2021 (Photos from Twin points trail and Lighthouse trail)


Above and below: this mysterious albino plant? white stalk, white flower and no leaves. Does not look like any mushroom I have ever seen. This is a mystery to me....until I google to find answers.

Above and below...another mysterious does not look like seeds or pine's growing in the ground and could not be tugged out as it had roots... What the heck is this? Plant? 

I loved the mushroom above had tiny spots on top. Below is a bright yellow mushroom and two nameless colored ones

Below is a set of fungus or mushrooms, new to me...a lovely light shade of blue or something like that
Below is a mushroom, new to me. It was shiny and a light color 
Below are three types of mushrooms (green, white, brown) growing very close to each other. I am amazed at the variety of beautiful mushrooms in Ontario

Above : granite in layers...

Close to the place to the box below, (on the Lighthouse trail, by the shore) we saw and took the video of a ? stoat or marten...It had a white neck, with  quick & agile movements between & under the rocks and up the seemed to approach us and then run away...almost as if it was fearless of humans or been fed by people before... I was wondering if it was a kit as it was so small. 
This mysterious box  on the shore intrigued me... I checked it for an abandoned baby... thank God it was empty! Is it put there for any animals to nest? Is it some smuggler's box after emptying the goods? 
Below...heating milk for our breakfast coffee! The wood cost more than the coffee I think! 9$ for wood and we only made coffee!

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Whos is giving autism diagnosis to morally bankrupt millionaires and billionaires...Musk claimed he's autistic and now it's Kayne!

 Should an autistic guy be given this amount of power? When he knows that vast parts of his brain are not functioning due to autism,  he sho...