Friday, October 21, 2022


 Reading daily news from all over the world no longer gives me joy but anxiety, depression and a sense of hopelessness. But since the cowardly attack by Putin/Russia on a smaller neighbour, reading news has become even more painful and I just want to stay in bed and avoid knowing what's happening in the world. 

Me and my friends would discuss who is the world biggest asshole. It would always be a competition between leaders-politicians of countries such as Russia, China, North Korea,  Burma and a whole lot of other repressive regimes. But now the top contender for this 'BIGGEST ASSHOLE IN THE WORLD' spot seems to be Putin.

My friend wanted to know why Putin does not have the balls to take on China.

He also wanted to know why Putin is a coward without balls sitting safe and cosy, not stepping out without an army guarding him. But Putin also has the stupidity and ignorance and gall to send untrained civilian Russians to fight HIS war...a war which no one other than him wants.

Does he want to destroy the world as he's aging i.e. nearing death's door and like a dog in the manger does not want others to have what he can't?  Would he have waged this war, had he found the elixir to immortality? 

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