Saturday, October 3, 2015

Leaside Public Library...problems with the computer when checking out

This piece would be of interest only to people using the Leaside branch of the Toronto Public library in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

I visited this library for the first time today (October 3rd 2015) and had  many problems checking the borrowed books out. I want to know if others had the same problem as me.
The first time I tried to self-check out 8 books, the computer screen showed 9 books! I had to wait for the librarian to help me out and was forced to keep other patrons waiting to check out, which was embarassing.
The librarian checked my 8 books out the second time and when I tried to exit the library there was a beep at the door, indicating that one or more books had not been properly checked out! Even though the printout said I had checked out all.
I went back a third time and another librarian checked out the same books again for me and I passed through the gates without any problem. But now, at home, when I was checking my account online, my account says I have borrowed 9 books out today, though I have checked out only 8!
Now I have to return to this library again to tell them I have not borrowed this 9th book which is showing up on my account ! I hope they are able to solve this issue.
My guess is that the sensors in the computers are supersensitive and scan books (and check out into the account of whoever is checking out at that point in time)  even if the books are at a distance. Or, there is something seriously wrong with their computers.

I hope they fix this glitch and I really hope they accept that I checked out 8 books and not 9.
I have sent an email reporting this problem, today October 4th.

Today, October 5th I checked online and the TPL has rectified the issue without me having to call them or follow up after my email. Thanks TPL staff! I am grateful. And I hope those darned computers are fixed! I understand it's not the librarian's error but the errors are caused by the errant sensors of the computers

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