Monday, October 12, 2015

Yippe ! Saw a deer in my backyard today!!!!

Today, at 7.30am, October 12th, 2015, Thanksgiving day, I took my cat to the backyard for it's daily walk. I was amazed  to see a magnificent brown deer with long antlers, walking slowly on the path, just behind my back fence!
I could not believe my eyes! I ran indoors to get my camera but it had gone when I returned. I hopped over my fence, walked in the ravine, hoping to find it but it was gone.
In the last 9 years that I have lived here, this is  the first time ever, that,I have seen a deer so close to my home. I live in East York, a pretty busy area, and to spot a deer here, was simply amazing! I carried a camera while walking the cat for a couple of days after this sighting and then stopped.

A couple of years ago, I had seen a flock of deer in the Don Valley ravine, from the Millwood bridge. Even that day, I din't have a camera!
This is one of the few times, I really regretted not owning a mobile phone!

I hope my  neighbours were as lucky as me and  saw this beautiful deer and felt the same joy as me, today ! But it's unlikely that any neighbour was up so early and out in the backyard, on a long weekend holiday, like me.

October 20th 2015, between 8.15 and 8.30pm: Saw a deer again! Maybe same deer. Same backyard, but it was a  few feet off the path; it was on the slopey bit of the valley above the DVP. It's silhouette looked great in the dark! The antlers and profile of it's body  with head bent(grazing I suppose) in the dark looked amazing.
Once again, I dashed in for my camera and it was gone by the time I ran back! It was my cat which sensed it at first from a distance of almost 150 feet! I don't know if it heard it or smelt it but it stalked toward the deer and I saw it when I was about 50 feet from it! From now on, I am going to carry my camera all the time, as one does not know when the deer will come by again.
December 2016: My neighbour saw in the trail behind our homes,  a family of four deer this winter i.e. December 2016! He has placed a bucket of corn and a salt lick for the deer and apparently the deer family visit his backyard for these treats!
Once gain, I cannot express how thrilled I am but these visits of the creatures of the wild to my home!

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