Wednesday, June 10, 2020

R.C.Harris Water Treatment Plant. Toronto

June 10, 2020, morning. Went for a walk on the Beaches and walked to the R.C.Harris Water treatment plant by Lake Ontario. I can't believe that I have lived here since 16 years and only now seeing this important piece of infrastructure and architecture only now!

Everyone in Toronto should try to see this plant. Coming from Bangalore, a place, where there is water scarcity with water running in taps for 2 hours once in 2 days, the year round, I can really appreciate the work and vision of the people who built this water treatment plant to half of Toronto.

Most of us take the 24 hour water supply, electricity supply, smooth running TTC, subsidized milk and other things in Toronto for granted. I dont! I am grateful for these things daily as ...this is not there in so many parts of the world.

Here are a few photos from my walk.

The lovely gold look has been achieved by using yellow bricks! A simple but visually stunning plan.

Below are lovely houses by the lake. People living here are so lucky!

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