Monday, June 15, 2020

What happened to me during Covid Lockdown?

Gained weight
Lost physical fitness
Developed backache and weak back by lying in bed almost whole day.
Knees ache...much more than before. Now the rest of my legs ache it due to weight gain or lack of exercise is making my muscles stiff?
Brain in decline too due to not doing academic work, job, social activities, travelling. I seem to be losing my memory and losing a sense of time...cannot recall today's date. Cannot recall last week's activities. 
Developed backache and weak back by lying in bed almost whole day.
Lost interest to do things ...even things I normally enjoy doing.
Sense of boredom...
Lack of interest to return to work

I bet I have developed diabetes...but the clinic is closed and so I cannot check it out now
I observed that at least one neighbour and one family member have gained weight.
Life seems to have lost 'meaningful' purpose/s (other than the purposes of  eating, enjoying shows and books) but I still want to live.

For the first time in my life, I am realizing how much more 'working at a job' is helping me apart from the money! Money is the least of it, I think. So many vital benefits of a job were 'invisible' and so taken for granted by me till now.

What my job gave me till now:
  • a reason to get out of bed every morning.
  • appreciate the weekends and truly enjoy them. Now that everyday is like a holiday, I simply don't look forward to the weekends like before. The wonderful joy I felt every Friday evening has vanished!
  • The sense of job satisfaction, pride and joy I felt when I helped someone through my job has vanished. I miss it like anything. These days, the job satisfaction has been replaced with embarrassment when I see my pay cheque coming in every fortnight and when I compare myself to the doctors, nurses and front desk staff who have been working overtime the last three months.
  • the daily travel to the office contributed to my physical exercise.
  • I was interacting socially and professionally with at least 5 people per day and now it's reduced to socializing with my husband and maybe a few neighbours. Interacting with people is another of those things with a whole lot of invisible benefits... which are noticed only when absent. The witty banter,  jokes, the joy of receiving compliments, the care and concern of friends expressed during face to face meetings, are all gone.
  • Problem solving, reading academic books to further one's knowledge in the field,  organizing one's thoughts and ideas to write and present information to the client, etc is nil at present. I now feel  the sluggishness in thoughts and ideas
  • Emotions which were rarely experienced in the past are the mainstay at present! Boredom, listlessness, emptiness, ennui, lassitude, angst, lethargy, aimlessness, meaninglessness in life ( Why am I living? What do I want to achieve today? If the world can run without me working for three months, then the world can surely run, without me! Does it mean that the work I was doing till now was not really necessary? Am I doing a useless or not so useful a job? Am I not vital to others? 

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