Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Insect in my garden, August 24, 2021

 This year, 2021 I did not water the patch of grass in my backyard. 

During previous years,  for nearly 4-5 summer months, I daily watered the grass with a hosepipe (my neighbours have drip irrigation) as I found it relaxing and it was also something to do when I took my cat out on a leash.

For some reason this year, I never watered the grass and my husband did not mow. As a result weeds grew wild in my backyard. One thing that came of not watering and not mowing was that there were several insects in the garden and several types of insects. I considered photographing them and blogging them here but finally did not...I don't know anything about these insects...their names, whether they are good or destructive, etc.

But I made an exception of this guy above! He/she is so pretty. It was actually on my stomach, under my shirt! I was wondering why I am feeling itchy and checked and saw what seemed to be a dry leaf but it was this guy. I put him outdoors. I hope I did not break his legs or wings and hope he is alright.

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