Wednesday, September 8, 2021

End game on

 Enjoying Endgame on

After seeing many depressing and dark crime shows, found this to be light and easy and relaxing.

Saw a few episodes and then stopped watching a few other shows on tubi

McCallum : saw a few episodes but too long and not really engaging after a while//changed my mind! I started liking it. Stopped again when old cast left and new cast came on. 

Singlehanded: a bit depressing and there is only so much of bleakness I can take as the weather cools off in September!

Intelligence: It's a great show but that is precisely why I can't stand it...I think I want a bit of unrealism in my fiction. Reality or too realistic is simply not entertaining. I want to escape from my reality (working with marginalized men with severe mental health issues) and so Intelligence is too intelligent and too unentertaining for me.

Silk stalkings: too unintelligent and immature!

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