Thursday, October 3, 2019

Ancient Jain Basadi (Temple) near Gadag

Below are photos of a huge Jain Basadi. It is possibly more than 100 years old (I don't have exact information). It is huge, quiet, peaceful and one can really meditate here. 

Below: a beautifully carved rock  with 4 monks on 4 sides and a total of a thousand smaller sized monks on the 4 sides. 

The blue bathroom tiles in this ancient temple's sanctum sanctorum drives me insane! I don't feel anger against the person who chose these tiles as I know that their aesthetics is different from mine due to their lack of exposure to ? whatever improves one's aesthetics and their simple rustic background. 
But seeing these bathroom tiles in millions of Indian new temples is driving me absolutely insane!

Above are idols inside the temple . Below are carvings on the outer walls of the temple. I am surprised and thankful the foreign religion invaders did not destroy this nude monk(Thirthankara) idol.

I did not expect sexual scenes carved in Jain Basadis!

 Above: I am not sure if I am happy with the results of this repaid done with cement...the expressions is more sulky than serene!

Can you imagine the amount of work, skill and craftsmanship, science, engineering, aesthetics, going into this wall...carving in granite, with primitive technology, assembling these stones weighing tons, the walls standing the test of time for over a thousand years, is a-m-a-z-i-n-g!

The stone step to entering a Jain Baadi is a lotus I think

 I know the silver paint is rather kitschy....but I like it! 

Below: from inside the Basadi

 above and below are buildings adjoining the basadi
 Below are buildings just outside the Basadi and the street leading to the Basadi. The path leading to this Basadi was difficult to find and even people living nearby are not aware of this Basadi! Imagine living next to something, which would be so highly valued if it was somewhere the locals are ignorant of it's beauty and worth

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