Saturday, October 5, 2019

Markham fair, October 2019

Went to the Markham fair today (30$ entrance for 2 adults and 3 kids...which is not a bad deal. free parking of course)

Had a good time. Saw fruits, vegetables, flowers grown locally and also saw cattle, fowl, pigs, goats, horses, a llama, sheep. I saw hens of the type I have never seen before!

Also saw an amazing demonstration on horses by the RCMP police. Ate donuts, had coffee and bought a new variety of apple called honey crisp. 

Below is beautiful, colorful corn. It's like magic to my friends and family in India who have never seen corn in such a range of hues!


Look at the size of the sunflowers. And there was an even larger one, I din't photograph!

Below are bell peppers. This is the first time ever that I am seeing the purple bell peppers below.

Below are a few pumpkin arrangements. 

Below are some pretty amazing quilts done by the Markham craftswomen(men too maybe)

 I loved the  colours of the quilt above...vibrant reds

Below are the hens I have never seen before! Or they are not all hens but some sort of domestic or currently domesticated birds. 
Some of them had such amazing patterns on their feathers. I have not seen such patterns on birds in India. I did read that some of them seem to have been crossed with other breeds and bred. 

 I could not see the eyes of the bird above. The bald spot  seems to be the top of his head and the feathers all seem to flow down due tp gravity.

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