Sunday, October 6, 2019


A dear friend of mine was in Bhutan recently(Sept-Oct, 2019) for a week. Chatting with her about her experiences (she insists I visit Bhutan a..Bhutan's wonderful people; the quiet; absence of crime; little or no disparity among people in terms of wealth), I thought I should check out crime fiction from there. 

After a lot of searching, I could find these books on google. 

 Karma Tenzin,(Yongba) a Bhutanese writer was a police officer and now  also the only private detective in Bhutan. 
He's written four crime fiction books listed below.

The restless relic: 2006 ISBN: 978999 3663904 165 pages

 The barnyard murder and other stories:2011 ISBN: 9789993663911 ; 267 pages

Switched off : 2017  ISBN: 978-99936-639-3-5; 136 pages

The darkest June: 2012, ISBN: 9789993663928; 140 pages


Nyendra by Chechong Tshering: 2017 ISBN 978- 99936-780-3-8
This is another crime fiction book I found online by a different writer.


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