Thursday, March 6, 2025

Censuring Al Green : It's like accusing a robbery victim of being "rude" when he protests to being robbed...or accusing a rape victim of 'troubling' her rapist by fighting back

 Will the shithead Trump, ever allow anyone with a different opinion to voice their concerns? NEVER

Therefore Al Green, HAD, to interrupt to say what he wants to...waiting politely for a chance to voice an opinion, contradicting will have to wait till the end of eternity. 


How come, no one has the balls to "censure" Trump and everyone is expected to bend over and take it, POLITELY, WITHOUT PROTEST,  whatever SHIT he comes up with?

If God truly exists, he will end Trump, before Trump ends America and the whole world...

Maybe, it is time for the world to end. And Trump and Musk are the harbingers of death to ALL life .

I wish to God that they die first...instead of causing death of millions of innocents.

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