Sunday, March 2, 2025

Musk and the farmers

 Musk: How ya all doing?

Farmers: Taking it easy, Mr. Musk. It's winter. The fileds are bare and snow's on the ground. We will get busy soon, anyway. Come spring, back to the grind.

Musk: What did ya all do last week. 

Farmers: You know...what we do every winter. manage livestock...that's a year long thing. Plan for the year's crops. Repair the farm equipment. Spend sometime with our wives and kids and take them places..It's so rare that we have the money and time at the same time to enjoy vacations!

Musk: hmmm...You mean you take the entire winter off? No work? And you want subsidies from the government to help, pardon my language, you lazy idling bums?

Farmers: Of course not! Do you have any idea about farming, Mr.Musk? Why don't you spend some time on a farm and get to understand before you cut the subsidies? 

Musk: I have seen enough. I have heard enough. I am asking our president to cut all subsidies . YOu guys dont need them. All you need to do is do real our president and me


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