Sunday, March 2, 2025

What are the things Trump and Musk are allergic to? They are allergic to every single good character trait, humans and animals have

 Trump and Musk allergy list

The shitty president of the USA & Musk-who-licks Trump's-unwashed-ass are severely deficient in the  "good human's traits" listed below.

Decency, behaving dignified, Morals, Ideals, Truth

Loftiness, Sincerity,Mission, vision and values

Conscientiousness, gentleness, good taste, good judgement, Reliability

Virtue, Sophistication, Level-headedness, Logic, TACT

Accurate perception, Scientific approach, Thoughtfulness, Nobility, HONOUR


COMMON SENSE, Creativity, Politeness, courtesy, grace

HUMILITY, Empathy & sympathy, Generosity, Keeping promises

RESPONSIBILITY, Honesty, Shame, Erudition, Scholarship

Hard work (they take short cuts and crash over and over but never learn that it takes time to achieve success

Respect for women, children, non white people, foreigners

Refinement and class, Diplomacy, Being constructive, being creative


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