Sunday, October 10, 2021

Oct 9, 2021 My good deed for the day...Racoon release

 Walking my cat(on a leash), in my backyard, I heard sounds coming from my neighbours dustbin.

I realized some poor animal was trapped inside. Taking my cat back indoors, I returned to the bin, opened the lid and found a fat racoon inside. I walked away and waited but the racoon was unable to climb out. I went back, tilted the bin to the ground and it ran our quickly!

Just a few weeks ago my relative in San Jose had rescued a poor lizard who had got stuck on the gum-side of a duct-tape, which in turn was stuck to a box(amazon delivery box) which had been discarded in the backyard, awaiting garbage pickup day. My relative, googled and discovered that the best way to help the lizard was by gently dipping a cotton-tip bud in water and sliding the cotton-tip under the part of the lizard glued to the tape. She did this for ages until the lizard was finally free and ran away.

I feel really saddened by how much suffering we human beings cause to other creatures we are sharing this plant with. 

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