Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Toronto Beltline (near Yonge st) October 12, 2021

Yesterday (Oct 12, 2021) was a beautiful weather day...Too warm for this time of the year but perfect for folks like me who are working from home and can afford to sneak off for a walk mid-day. We left home to roam around north York civic centre and the amazing library there (which I have not seen for years as it had closed for a long time for renovation). Deciding to take a leisurely drive along Yonge than the freeway, we decided to stop and explore the Toronto Beltline which we had never ever explored.
The warm weather, quiet space along the Beltline as we walked, the sunshine, quiet cemetary on one side and buildings on the other, the green leaves on trees....made me think I was strolling in Bangalore or Madras for some reason!
Someone had photographed (and done more than photograph) the remains of concrete fountains in a park which previously existed in one of the residential buildings there i.e. Brentwood Towers. These photos are stuck on the wall running by the Beltline.


I think this photo below has been destroyed by weather or people. There were more photos but torn I think.

Below are other photos from this trail.

And below are photos from a brief walk through the cemetery to reach our car parked nearby.

I love these bricks from the cemetery wall! I don't know  what these bricks are made of ...there are some bricks here with a bit of stuff sticking out like a piece of iron or something...amazing colors...I don't know why the coloring of the brick is not uniform...but it's so beautiful.

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