Sunday, October 17, 2021

As the years pass by... fewer and fewer things seem to make me happy compared to 3 decades ago....

 During my younger days a lot of things were sources of joy for me.

Recently my sources of  entertainment, pleasure, joy have drastically reduced to less than ten!

My current sources of joy are:

eating favorite foods like chocolates, chicken karahi, etc

sleeping or lying in bed with a nice fantasy running through my head

reading: the number of authors and books I like has reduced drastically along with my attention span. During younger days, I read many genres of books  such as  romance, mythology, science fiction, general non-fiction, crime fiction, 'classics', humour, etc.

Now it's only crime fiction and nothing else.

watching movies and TV shows: Previously I watched a range of shows and movies: romantic, comedy, crime, soaps, and so on. Now it's restricted to crime and comedy. 

Travel: Thanks God, I still love to travel but this stupid Covid has brought my travels to a halt. I don't want to spend 100s of $ for the covid tests each time I enter Canada and enter any other country which demands covid tests.

My work: Thankfully, I am loving my work! More than ever now. I have started private practice in addition to my full time job and loving what I do. I have such immense job satisfaction as I work, I am helping people, I am thrilled about the extra income coming in (I have reached a stage when I have no interest to buy things as buying does not make me happy, it's such a pity that I did not have this extra income during my younger days when I actually needed it)

Listening to the voice of my 2.5 year old nephew, watching his videos, talking to him on whatsapp video, etc.

Chatting with friends.

Watching comedy skits on internet... animal videos, scrolling through the internet for items which thrill me such as news about finding old treasures, etc.

Window-shopping : but this is less and less pleasurable now...I don't know why.

Playing free flow and solitaire: I wish I could find more games which interest me.

I don't get this joy often, but I would love to sit in a car, SILENTLY, while someone drives me... a long drive during which I could either fantasize or blank out and look out the window with an empty mind...or sleep(I have a fantastic husband but he's talkative when driving) another pleasant fantasy for me is to be able to sit in an empty bus, in the last seat (where it really bounces you) and the bus drives on a really bumpy road for a long while. Bouncing on that seat, would be great for me!

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